During October, please upload your OCDX logs in Cabrillo format through the online log submission system
Every submitted log with at least one valid QSO qualifies for a participation certificate.
Checklogs are also helpful for cross-checking and scoring QSOs, as they help the organisers identify busted callsigns and resolving other possible errors.
Cabrillo Format Must Be Used
If your logging software uses ADIF but cannot generate Cabrillo directly, you must first convert your log to Cabrillo format. Various converters are available including (this one) by sp7dqr
You can also import the ADIF format log into a logger such as N1MM+ that can export in Cabrillo format to first do the conversion.
If you logged on paper, please create your entry online or generate a Cabrillo file offline using a program such as Fast Log Entry by DF3CB, then submit that.
Did you Receive my Log?
The logs-received lists are updated frequently during October. If your logs are not shown as received, please try the upload again or email us for assistance … before 31st October please.