CW – Raw Scores 2020

Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Does not include paper logs, SWL scores have not been calculated. Send questions to
Updated: 2020-11-02

Entry category abbreviationsALL = all bands, CK = check log, HP = high power (total output power greater than 100 Watts), LP = low power (total output power no more than 100 Watts), QRP = reduced power (total output power no more than 5W), M1 = multiple operators and single transmitter, M2 = multiple operators and two transmitters, MS = multi-single, MM = multiple operators and multiple transmitters, SO = single operator, and SWL = shortwave listener. Note: the M1 and M2 categories replaced the MS category in 2010, the LP and HP categories were introduced in 2010, and the QRP categories were introduced in 2014

Oceania DX Contest CW - 2020 Raw Score