Author Archive: OCDX Contest News
Apologies: Delays with 2019 Plaques due to COVID
The results of the 2019 OCDX contests are available here.
Well done to all who entered, especially of course those who made it to the winners’ podium, earned plaques, trophies and certificates, ran QRP, and set new OCDX records.
The 2019 contest plaques are not yet sent. We have prepared the plaques however due to the COVID 19 situation in Victoria Australia, we are in lockdown and this is impacting our postal service with a restriction on parcel delivery services. We are unable to send the plaques at this time – but they are ready, packaged and addressed. They will be posted as soon as the restrictions are removed. Apologies but this matter is out of our control at this time. This is impacting all of our international recipients but we are hopeful that we will be able to send the plaques very soon.
Seeking Photos of Oceania DX Contest Activity!
May 12th 2020: we’d love to receive further photos, feedback, operating tips and historical information about OCDX to enhance this website and encourage others to enter the next event. How did you get on in the 2019 contest? What are you planning to do differently this year? What are you hoping to get out of the next one? Please take a moment to email the OCDX Committee we enjoy and really appreciate your input.
2019 OCDX Contest Results Released!
May 10th 2020: the results of the 2019 OCDX contest are published. Congrats all! A full report can be found (here).
We have also published the (revised) 2020 rules with a simplified plain-English summary and new times, added some historical photos to the Photo Gallery, and published a fascinating article about a first-time entry in OCDX using QRP.
Please bear with us as we battle bugs in the web authoring software to find and fix any broken links, missing captions and errors in the content. If you spot anything amiss, email
Meanwhile, we are busy circulating the 2019 results and starting to promote the upcoming 75th Oceania DX Contest.